When to take your child to hospital

The decision to take your child to hospital is difficult and this post attempts to help the parent who is unsure. Those symptoms such as cough, fever, or vomiting are common but occasionally may herald the onset of a more serious condition.

Febrile Convulsions

Febrile convulsions (seizures) occur in 3 percent of infants and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 6 years. They occur usually during a viral illness and are associated with a temperature. They are frightening but not serious. There…

Snoring and Apnoea in Children

Snoring is common in children, particularly if they have a cold. But if snoring is constant, and causes problems with night time breathing, this sometimes will require further assessment. This article discusses when snoring is problematic and how it is managed.

‘Itchy uncomfortable genital region’

Discomfort whilst voiding is common in young children, particularly girls. The most common cause is a chemical vulvitis which once diagnosed is easy to manage. This condition involves inflammation at the end of the urethra, and the area around this. A urinary tract infection must be ruled out prior to making this diagnosis.

Bed Wetting

What causes it ? There are three basic reasons for enuresis: Firstly it is due to a limited response by the brain to a full bladder. When the bladder is full it does not notify the brain to wake and empty. It eventually empties itself…
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Eczema, causes, treatment & advice

Eczema is a common condition due to an inherited dryness of the skin surface, coupled with excess sensitivity to irritants and allergens resulting in inflammation. This article helps the parent understand what eczema means.