Dr Scott Parsons
The author, has worked as a general practitioner with a special interest in paediatrics for the last 20 years. He has developed this website in order to help parents with the task of raising children. He currently works in Adelaide at Total GP Care Norwood and Priorty Paediatrics

The website content is based on evidenced based guidelines. There are no commercial affiliations.
Influenza Vaccination
Influenza is recommended for all children over 6 months. It is free for those with chronic medical conditions such as severe asthma. This year there is a new Quadrivalent vaccine – which covers an extra ‘b’ strain. 1500 children under 5 are hospitalised each year in Australia from influenza which is entirely preventable.
Scheduled Vaccines
You will find the full immunisation schedule – 2 & 4 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months, 18 Months Chicken Pox Vaccine, Pneumococcus, Prevenar here.
Meningococcal B Vaccine – Bexsero
How common is it ? Meningococcal disease involves not only meningitis, but also invasive diseases such as septicaemia (blood poisoning). At present there are around 200 cases of meningococcal disease each year in Australia and 10% will die. The highest incidence are those under 5 years (about 50 – 60 cases per year) and those […]
Vaccination, How it Works.
Immunisation is highly complex. This post helps to demystify the immune system, helping to understand immunisation.
Vaccination Discussion
Despite the progress over the last 20 years we still have a long way to go when it comes to immunisation. Currently there is research into vaccination for all sorts of illnesses and infections such as malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV and even cancers. But in some ways eradication of illnesses that used to be the […]